Develop or Renovate the Job Descriptions & Job Summaries –

The average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal 30 percent of the hired employee’s first-year income. Inferior hiring decisions are also at the root of nearly 80 percent of talent turnover problems; the longer substandard employees stay on the job, the more it will cost to replace them.

To improve the match between job candidates and recruitment needs, we advise to start by revisiting the Job descriptions. We offer our expertise in writing & developing an effective description of the role, to provide adequate information to future candidates and their managers relating to the expectations and points of attraction of the role. This has played a crucial role for our clients in minimizing the risk of drop outs or bad hires due to any miscommunications at early stages of the recruitment process.

We ensure the job descriptions are thorough and accurate, more clearly defining the tasks the new hire will perform, the hard skills they will need to carry out to these responsibilities and the individualized traits and soft skills that will be essential to success in the role. Also, it has been reported that well-articulated and designed Job posts get 36% more response.

We customise the Job summaries by Incorporating more than just verbiage, providing a detailed illustration of the role increasing transparency and establish further trust with the prospective candidate. Examples of tangible projects, specific challenges and quantitative expectations (if applicable) allow a candidate to more closely understand the role they may be stepping into. Adding an element of design to create a more branded, stylized description communicates professionalism and shows that candidate experience is a high priority.

Human Capital & Competitive Intelligence –

Our Human Capital & Competitive Intelligence offerings help our clients better understand the marketplace and their competition. We can provide information on an industry, company, department, or function, capturing details on:

  • Department size and composition
  • Diversity status
  • Compensation and benefits structuring and offerings
  • Bonus and incentive programs
  • Marketplace intelligence and trends
  • Employee turnover / attrition rates
  • Additional intelligence based on request

Recruiting Research –

Name generation and candidate identification – We generate custom lists of potential candidates for you to contact on your open searches.  You will see names delivered with detailed contact information for every individual we provide you.

We provide customized identification of potential candidates for your open positions. You will receive a detailed contact list with on-target candidate names, official corporate titles, reporting structures, direct lines, email addresses, LinkedIn profiles, and any additional information you request.  Since we conduct our research mostly via telephone, all names are newly generated or verified.  .

Grade, Band Ladders & Org Chart Development –

Organizational Charts are increasingly vital to understand the structure and hierarchy of companies building a visual depiction of the corporate structure of the company or department.

We support you to work/re-work on your Grades & Bands and build custom organizational charts, outlining the corporate hierarchy and reporting relationships at all levels and functions throughout a company – from individual contributor level all the way up to the CEO.

Talent Pipeline –

We provide interested and qualified candidates to our clients on a biweekly basis, bundling our Recruiting Research and Candidate Development services into one seamless service offering.

Our Talent Pipeline service is a combination of Recruiting Research and Candidate Development offerings, providing our clients with interested and qualified candidates delivered on a biweekly basis, while keeping candidates previously submitted engaged at no extra cost to you.  Additionally, with our no placement fee structure, the return on investment for these models provides a cost-effective solution when compared to “traditional” search firm offerings.

This approach to pipeline planning captures top talent, who are then ready to be engaged by your own talent acquisition and onboarding teams at a moment’s notice. The fees for this service are monthly (not placement based), which allows for a cost-effective and flexible approach to deliver results across any industry or vertical.