『【送料無料】ヒグマドーナツ 冷凍ドーナツ 18個入り無添加 プレーン FROZEN Doughnuts 手作りクッキング 北海道 スイーツ お菓子 お菓子作りAdditive free パン作り 冷凍食品 donut お取り寄せ 人気 おうちカフェ ドーナツ【HIGUMA Doughnuts】ホワイトデー !更に値下げです!』はヤフオクでkJ-36522da39fから01月16日 02時 28分に出品され02月13日 02時 28分に終了予定です。即決価格は3,822円に設定されています。現在893件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。愛知県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
揚げても焼いても!おうちで簡単に絶品ドーナツが食べられる!ギフト プレゼント 手作り ハンドメイド 無添加 北海道 スイーツ お菓子 お菓子作り 冷凍食品 バレンタイン【ヒグマドーナツ】 冷凍ドーナツ FROZEN Doughnuts 18個入り プレーン
ギフト プレゼント 手作り ハンドメイド 無添加 北海道 スイーツ お菓子 お菓子作り パン パン作り 冷凍食品 誕生日 お取り寄せ 人気 おうちカフェ ドーナツ
Doughnuts made with carefully selected Hokkaido ingredients.
Flour made from "Haruyutaka" and other specially blended Hokkaido wheat. Each product is handmade with carefully selected Hokkaido ingredients such as milk, butter, and sugar.
We hope you will enjoy the excellence of the ingredients.
No preservatives or additives are used in the ingredients, making it safe even for children.
Lets make doughnuts!
5 easy steps
・Baking paper
・Plastic wrap
・Cooking oil
・Oil strainer or Cooking chopsticks
Approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete.
1.Lets melt the frozen doughnuts
Place the doughnut, front side up, on the baking paper.(The side with the logo is the front)
Thaw at room temperature for about 40-50 minutes.2. Fluff up your doughnuts!
When the inside is soft by pressing lightly with fingers, cover with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
Ferment at room temperature for 1 to 1 and half hours, or if using an oven, at 35C for 20 to 30 minutes to puff up.
Moisten it with the spraying mist to prevent it from drying out.
When temperatures are low, such as in winter, you can use a simple fermentation device by placing a cloth over a bowl of hot water.
Fermentation is complete when the doughnut has expanded to a diameter of 10 to 11 cm and a thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 cm.
3. let dry for a bit
Remove the plastic wrap and let stand for 5 minutes to dry the surface.
4. Lets fry doughnuts!
Place the doughnuts with the baking paper in oil heated to 150-160C. (Remove the baking paper immediately.)
Put tongs or chopsticks into the circle of doughnuts and spin them around, chanting the magic words, "Youll be really scrumptious!" to shape them.
Fry for about 3 minutes, and when both sides of the doughnut are golden brown, it is done.
5. Enjoy the doughnuts!
Eat plain first and enjoy the taste of the ingredients!
For flavoring, apply appropriate amount of sugar or “きな粉” soybean flour while still warm.
Enjoy the fluffy, sticky, freshly fried donuts and feel the bounty of Hokkaido!
Easy oven baking
Oven temperature 180C to 200C
Baking time is about 8 minutes
Important notesConsumption Period
Since freezing weakens the yeasts ability to swell, we urge you to eat it within two weeks.
We want you to enjoy our fluffy and chewy doughnuts, so please make and eat them as soon as possible.About Shipping
Frozen doughnuts cannot be shipped with other items. Therefore, if you wish to purchase other items besides frozen doughnuts, please use a separate cart for checkout.
Please note that we will cancel your order if you purchase at the same time.
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